FNF vs CatNap [Cat Nap FNF mods]

FNF vs CatNap [Cat Nap FNF mods]

Voted 61 users

CatNap is a guest character in the FNF universe, known as one of the antagonists of Poppy Playtime. The creature looks like a huge purple furry cat, with black eyes and pointy ears with a long tail. The origins say that Cat Nap used to be a caretaker at PlayCare, who was responsible for the healthy sleep of his charges.

CatNap in FNF

The character's name itself is a term that is usually used to refer to a short sleep, lasting from a few minutes to half an hour. Such short periods of rest help to restore strength and improve concentration. But, in FNF mods with a purple cat, you should not count on a peaceful sleep. In the games Friday Night Funkin vs CatNap you will meet this character, who came to you in the form of a nightmare.

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