FNF vs Hex [Hex FNF mods]
Hex is an artificial intelligence robot with a monitor instead of a face, created by YingYang48, commissioned by Rich Guy. Hex is a product of a robotics company from the FNF world, which was written off due to the fact that it was outdated and was never handed over to the customer. But, in the vault, he stood near the window, thanks to which his solar panels collected energy. Waking up, he escaped from the vault and miraculously found his customer, Rich Guy, with whom they became friends and played basketball and sang karaoke. Hex was friends with the man until his death.

Hex in Friday Night Funkin
After the death of a friend, the robot was left with a lot of money, but no friends. From this point, Hex began his journey in search of new friends. In FNF mod VS Hex meets Boyfriend in the park, where a musical duel ensued between them. Through the events of the Hex mod, Hex befriends Whitty and Carol. The funny robot is also presented in other mods as a secondary hero.