FNF: Triple Trouble with the Dearest Family
FNF: Triple Trouble with the Dearest Family
FNF: Triple Trouble with the Dearest Family
FNF: Triple Trouble with the Dearest Family
FNF: Triple Trouble with the Dearest Family

FNF: Triple Trouble with the Dearest Family

Plays: 1.77K

Pico has a terrible dislike for Girlfriend and her family, which is why, after choosing a song from a creepy Sonic mod, Pico decides to challenge them to a duel by gathering all the family members together. Going up against the red-haired boy will be Girlfriend, her Mommy and Daddy, with Boyfriend also joining them to help.
Has Boyfriend been welcomed into the family, or do they just need help? Help Pico perform the musical composition "Triple Trouble", against the Girlfriend's family. In order for the guy not to lose, you need to tell him exactly when to sing. To do this, watch the figures on the boy's side with the guns and click on the arrow keys at the moments when two identical figures touch.
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It's an interesting take on the original. "Triple trouble." But it is still quite fun to play.
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