FNF Suspicous (Oneshot Among Us)
FNF Suspicous (Oneshot Among Us)
FNF Suspicous (Oneshot Among Us)
FNF Suspicous (Oneshot Among Us)
FNF Suspicous (Oneshot Among Us)

FNF Suspicous (Oneshot Among Us)

Plays: 164

One crew of astronauts has been trapped on a spaceship for a very long time. Over time, each of the crew members began to suspect each other of wrongdoing. This time something terrible happened on the ship and the astronauts gathered to find a traitor among them to be killed. Unfortunately, that's when Boyfriend and his girlfriend show up on the ship, taking their place among the suspects.
Boyfriend will prove his innocence to the orange Imposter to the rhythm of the song "Ventage". Perform the song to the very end, to be able to remove all suspicion from the guy in the cap and his girlfriend. To do this, click on the keys that correspond to flying arrows on the screen, the moment they come into contact with fixed at the top of the characters are exactly the same shape. Be careful not to miss too often, because you'll lose and have to start the song from the beginning.
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