FNF vs 4chan /v/
FNF vs 4chan /v/
FNF vs 4chan /v/
FNF vs 4chan /v/
FNF vs 4chan /v/

FNF vs 4chan /v/

Plays: 422

The next antagonist that Boyfriend has to face is /v/ - this is the leader of a group of villains who cover a large information board 4chan on the Internet with the detection of trolls, that is, false and observed messages. Destroy the insidious villains and their project, Boyfriend is introduced with the help of music to the songs: "Video Games", "Sage" and "Harmony". Don't let the guy in the cap lose this fight, there's too much at stake.
To defeat the villains, you need to sing all three songs to the end without making many mistakes. Help Boyfriend sing the songs correctly by pressing the arrow keys. As soon as the arrows running on the screen coincide with the fixed identical symbols, click on the keys, and do it quickly to keep up with each note. Do not miss, because then the success slider will go over to the side of the bandit, and you, having made several mistakes in a row, will lose the battle and have to start from the beginning.
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