FNF vs Eggmong Us
FNF vs Eggmong Us
FNF vs Eggmong Us
FNF vs Eggmong Us

FNF vs Eggmong Us

Plays: 202

One of the Impostors from Among Us is back in the FNF. But today this astronaut has a very unusual appearance, and looks like an ordinary chicken egg. Despite the fact that the new image gives the previously vicious traitor a rather cute appearance, the egg Impostor will not give up on his goal just like that, and will fight, as before, until the victorious finale. The battle will take place in three stages under the songs: "Scramble", "Fracture" and "Crackus-Moogus".
Boyfriend cannot allow the victory of the red egg Impostor, and fall face down in the dirt in front of his beloved. The guy is ready to fight for the title, but he needs your help to bring the song to its logical conclusion. To do this, you need to click on the arrow keys when the flying symbols on the screen reach the top and fall into translucent cells. If you make several mistakes in a row, you will lose immediately. Also keep an eye on the strip at the bottom, which shows the superiority of rivals. If you make precise clicks, the bar will turn green, which will mean Boyfriend's perfect singing, and he will have every chance to win the battle.
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