FNF vs UpSide Tricky
FNF vs UpSide Tricky
FNF vs UpSide Tricky
FNF vs UpSide Tricky

FNF vs UpSide Tricky

Plays: 89

FNF mod's aggressive beats against UpSide Tricky will be a new challenge for Boyfriend. Finding himself in Nevada, Boyfriend meets Tricky, who is ready for a new challenge. In the music arena will converge two demanding characters who have met more than once and are ready to go through the dynamic notes again. Try your luck and help the guy in the cap win the battle with the clown, who is hungry for fame and ready for the most unpredictable events.

Concentrate on the figures moving to the beat of the music. As soon as the characters reach the stencils of their shape, without delay click on the cursors responsible for them. Each mistake deprives Boyfriend of the points earned, and a series of misses will devastate his superiority completely, and Boyfriend will lose. Be dexterous and attentive, don't miss notes, be concentrated, and you will be able to last until the final of the battle and show Trikki all the most unique abilities of Boyrfriend.

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