FNF: Expurgated, but Everyone battle BF
Plays: 3.2K
You'd think that Boyfriend would have something special that many antagonists from the FNF world needed at once. But no, it's just that Boyfriend always wins and now all his rivals have come together to defeat Boyfriend to the rhythms of the track "Expurgation" from the Tricky mod. Take control and defeat a bunch of rivals in the rhythms of one song.
Until the track's finale, Boyfriend won't have time to take a break. The opponents switch roles all the time. Don't get distracted by the change of the antagonist on the left, but keep a close eye on your characters. As soon as the figures connect with their shape silhouettes, click on the cursors to sing. Don't miss the joins and keep an eye on the rhythm of the song to be able to sing every note at the right moment and win.