FNF vs 8-BitRyan
FNF vs 8-BitRyan
FNF vs 8-BitRyan
FNF vs 8-BitRyan
FNF vs 8-BitRyan

FNF vs 8-BitRyan

Plays: 279

Ryan 8-Bit has long become popular on YouTube thanks to its videos on computer games. Now Ryan is infiltrating the world of FNF to capture the attention of the public here. Popularity always makes a person move on, and for a YouTuber, conquering the world of FNF can be the next step, if, of course, Boyfriend gives him this place. In order for Ryan not to become a new FNF star, you need to perform the following songs perfectly: "Beatdown Bop", "The Next Video" and "King in It".
Try not to fake songs to the end, as YouTuber Rian is very serious, and is ready to send Boyfriend on a well-deserved vacation. But Boyfriend does not give up so easily, and again enters the musical ring. In order for the guy in the cap to succeed, you must be very careful and follow the moving arrows on the screen. As soon as these arrows reach the fixed symbols at the top, press the corresponding keys on the keyboard. Don't miss, because a few mistakes in a row can deprive Boyfriend of the title of king of music forever.
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I love the second song, and just the whole mod, and YouTuber are both awesome!
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