FNF Hazy River: Knowin’ Another Story

FNF Hazy River: Knowin’ Another Story
FNF Hazy River: Knowin’ Another Story
Plays: 652
It's been a few years since Boyfriend sent Garcello to the hospital for rehab for his smoking addiction. And it really helped, now the former avid smoker holds his favorite lollipops instead of a cigarette, and is ready to share the experience to the beats of music. The non-smoking Garcello's track list is as follows:
- Reunion
- Eased
- Sweet Tooth
- Stay
The rhythm battle will take place in four stages, and you can take it either in Story mode or perform any song from the Free Play. Either way, you can only win by staying until the tunes are over. Click on the arrows when the pieces align with the stencils above BF's head. Don't miss the moments when two characters touch, so as not to spoil the soundtrack, because you'll have to sing again.
Start singing
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level
Volume control
Go back

Jonae Smith
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