FNF vs Nikku [mod Hotline 024]
FNF vs Nikku [mod Hotline 024]
FNF vs Nikku [mod Hotline 024]
FNF vs Nikku [mod Hotline 024]
FNF vs Nikku [mod Hotline 024]

FNF vs Nikku [mod Hotline 024]

Plays: 628

Boyfriend's popularity has surpassed all expectations, and now many people, both earthly and unearthly, want to fight with the guy. This time, Nikku flew to Boyfriend for a musical duel - this is an alien girl with red hair, who has won great public recognition on her planet, and now has descended to Earth to test her abilities in a battle with the earthly king of music. Nikku brought two songs with her to have a musical battle with her own compositions: "Hyperfunk" and "Sugar Crush".
Nikki can fly and knows a lot of great musical tricks, but it's up to you whether she manages to become a winner. Help Boyfriend win the battle by perfectly performing the songs prepared by the alien to the end. To do this, you need to make sure that the success slider is constantly on the side of the BF. Press the arrow keys when the multi-colored arrows on the screen come into contact with the grey ones. Do not miss and do everything in time to sing the song to the final and emerge victorious.
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