FNF: Corruption Outnumbered
Plays: 2.9K
This virus turns the sick person into a creepy creature that loses all reason. Boyfriend becomes the first to get sick and now his plan is to infect the entire cast of FNF heroes. A beautiful mash-up, to the track "Outnumbered", that brings the original antagonists together - Dear Daddy and Unlovable Mommy, the kids Skid and Pump and the gangster Pico, who sing against the infected Boyfriend.
As usual, you'll be on Boyfriend's side. Make it through the whole 9 minutes of the track without losing early. Watch the arrows moving to the right, and once they converge with silhouettes of the same shape, click on the keys that correspond to them. Sing correctly, without mixing up the notes often, because you'll lose before the finale, and you'll have to sing again.