FNF Corruption: Reimagined!

FNF Corruption: Reimagined!
FNF Corruption: Reimagined!
Plays: 7.12K
A reimagined fan mod based on the infection of the FNF characters. Every character has indulged in corruption and there is no one to save them, but they all continue to party and fight to the rhythms of music. The twisted plot and new sounding tracks will bring a lot of positive feedback from the game.
Choose a Week with one of the antagonists or perform tracks with Free Play. Become a winner together with the infected Pico, defeating all the rivals to win the girl's recognition. Don't make mistakes often and accurately click on the arrows at the moments when the pieces connect. Catch maximum rhythms to win.
Start singing
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level
Volume control
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the corrupted mom of the GF because it lags and i die