FNF: Dustswap
Plays: 917
Papyrus tried many times to stop the man from destroying the monsters, but the skeleton never succeeded. He got angry and finally carried out his first massacre. After that Papyrus could not stop, and he began to kill everyone who met him on the way. And so it came to his own brother, Sansa. After killing the person closest to him, Papyrus began to be haunted by Sansa's spirit, which only he could see.
Now it is time for a series of musical duels against a Papyrus angry at the world. This game will feature the following songs: "Lost Brothers", "Faded Flames", "Fight for Love", "Dust Ring", "Give In" and "Kotsuzui". Ready to appease an assassin and avoid subsequent murders? Then help Sans and Chara tackle him to the rhythms of the music. Click on the keys to catch the characters on the screen when they come in contact with the stencils. This way your hero will be able to sing and do it correctly. If you manage to hold on until the end of the tunes, you will become the winner and continue the bouts.

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