FNF: Lobby (An Impostor Fan Song)
FNF: Lobby (An Impostor Fan Song)
FNF: Lobby (An Impostor Fan Song)
FNF: Lobby (An Impostor Fan Song)
FNF: Lobby (An Impostor Fan Song)

FNF: Lobby (An Impostor Fan Song)

Plays: 207

There's always a lot of mayhem on a spaceship. There are often murders or crew members disappearing without a trace. The crew members gather in the lobby to debrief the day or just relax. As always, there are tons of people there, and there's always something to talk about. Today, Boyfriend will be visiting the lobby on the spaceship, where he will choose Red as his opponent and put on a show.
Ready to perform the song "Lobby" in front of a lot of astronauts? In order for the guy in the cap to be the winner of this battle, you need to concentrate on the symbols that float up. Don't make any mistakes and don't miss any keystrokes. Each press must be made at the moment when identical characters are connected on the side of the King of the FNF world.
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