FNF Sick of It: Speed Vs. KSI
FNF Sick of It: Speed Vs. KSI
FNF Sick of It: Speed Vs. KSI
FNF Sick of It: Speed Vs. KSI

FNF Sick of It: Speed Vs. KSI

Plays: 491

In the FNF Sick of It: Speed Vs. KSI mod, a situation begins when Ishowspeed calls KSI on FaceTime, asking him to perform his song. A little hesitant, KSI agrees, but with one condition - Speed must not prank him. And so the music battle begins, in which KSI has to show that his song is really cool and sing it without knocking down a single note.

You play as KSI, who has to convince his friend Ishowspeed that the song “Sick of It” is a real hit. During the game you will perform rhythmic key presses, trying not to miss a single note. Keep an eye on the figures and exactly at the moments when they merge into pairs with silhouettes, click on the cursors. Don't make a mistake, so that KSI doesn't lose its superiority and doesn't lose before time.

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