FNF vs Annie High Effort Storm
FNF vs Annie High Effort Storm
FNF vs Annie High Effort Storm
FNF vs Annie High Effort Storm
FNF vs Annie High Effort Storm

FNF vs Annie High Effort Storm

Plays: 233

This is a black and white mod in which Boyfriend meets a girl named Annie, who always carries a bottle of soda with her. Maybe it's some kind of energy drink, since Annie is always full of energy and ready for a musical battle at any time? A pair of black and white characters will perform the song "Storm", and their audience will be Girlfriend, who is placed in the middle of the dance floor.
Press the "Play" key and the duel will begin. Be very attentive, because everything on the screen is black and white, and the arrows you need to follow can merge with the overall picture. On the right side of the screen there are moving figures, which are responsible for Boyfriend's singing. Follow them only, and in the moments when they connect with the same fixed signs, which are placed above, click on the keys responsible for them on the keyboard. If you can play the song to the end, you will win, or you will have to start from the beginning.
Start singing
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Annie looks so cool :)
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