FNF vs Impostor: Black Betrayal
Plays: 8.02K
Lately, the Impostors have gone completely insane on their spaceship. They started walking around with knives, ready to cut off the head of anyone who says a crooked word to them. Once on the ship of the aggressive Impostors, Boyfriend was not afraid and challenged one of them, and now he will have to fight everyone, including the Black Impostor with the bloody knife, who has definitely recently committed murder.
Boyfriend will be singing against the evil Impostors to songs like "Reactor", "Overboard", "Top Ten Sus", "Betrayal", "Report edd", "Defeat", "Skinwalker" and "Unhinged". The battles aren't expected to be easy at all, so even Girlfriend will have to get off the speakers and help the guy out. Your help, as always, is needed so that Boyfriend can sing perfectly. Press the keys that correspond to the arrow symbols on the screen the moment the gray and colored signs touch. Take your time and keep up with the music to do everything in time and make it to the end of the song.

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