FNF vs Pow Sky
FNF vs Pow Sky
FNF vs Pow Sky
FNF vs Pow Sky

FNF vs Pow Sky

Plays: 1.63K

Sky is a blue haired girl who is head over heels in love with Boyfriend. The girl repeatedly appears near Boyfriend and tries to participate in musical duels against him in order to attract attention to her candidacy. But all of Sky's efforts are in vain, although she does not lose hope and again challenged Boyfriend to a duel to the song "Pow", hoping that the guy will pay attention to her.
The game takes place in first person, where you as Boyfriend have to win the battle, against the lovesick Sky. The girl is a great vocalist, but definitely no match for the King of Music. In order to perform a short musical composition to the end, you need to sing it correctly. To do this, you need to click on the arrow keys when the figures on the right side reach their stencils, and so on until the end of the song.
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