FNF: The Golden ONE V2 (hfjONE Mod)
FNF: The Golden ONE V2 (hfjONE Mod)
FNF: The Golden ONE V2 (hfjONE Mod)
FNF: The Golden ONE V2 (hfjONE Mod)
FNF: The Golden ONE V2 (hfjONE Mod)

FNF: The Golden ONE V2 (hfjONE Mod)

Plays: 246

Perhaps it was just a dream, or the Boyfriend's cap really came to life and went to conquer the new world, demonstrating to everyone its musical abilities, similar to the talent of its owner. The singing cap will fight to the rhythms of music with heroes from the new solar universe.

In order to help the cap sing all its notes, you need to follow the arrows that appear on the screen. As soon as the symbols match, immediately click on the corresponding keys. Do not miss clicks often, because repeated misses threaten a complete failure of the test and you will have to act from the beginning.

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